zodiac-clairvoyant-online.com for face-to-face clairvoyant and tarot card reading.
Comfortable, air-conditioned reading room in Fitzgibbon, near the Carseldine station.
Phone 0412717137

Face to Face Psychic Readings in Brisbane


If you would like a general clairvoyant reading that helps you in your life at this time, this is it. This is not a specific reading on any area but a general reading on a lot of different areas. You can ask questions regarding any issues you have that are causing you concern. I will relay back to you this information, and more, as it is given to me by your Spirit Guides, Angels and the people who have crossed over who want to communicate with you about something that is important to them for you.

A psychic reading is when a clairvoyant/medium communicates with your Spirit Guide, your Guardian Angel, or relatives who have passed over, on issues relating to your life. Your Spirit Guides will only send answers to questions on issues that you need to understand at this time in your life.

This psychic medium reading gives you information about a lot of different aspects of your life and yourself. It will help with your life and your own spiritual abilities to improve your life in all ways. It will show you how to make the most of your life. You will be a lot happier, more contented, and more at peace within yourself and have a more loving understanding of yourself and others. This reading can also give general or Spiritual learning techniques that Spirit wants to pass on to help you improve your life.

How do I receive a reading?

It helps me best if you could bring along to the reading a photograph of any person close to you about whom you have questions. The reading is normally recorded on to CD at no extra cost, and packaged in a nice case.